When all that's been gone through, it's only a matter of plugging all the numbers into the forms, and I'll be done. 'Bout time. This is only the second or third time in my life I've had to file for an extension, but with tax returns due on Palm Sunday weekend this year, there was just no way.
I'm hoping to get away Friday and Saturday for my last whack at Wilderstead chores before the summer madness begins. I'll call tomorrow to see if I can rent a Ditch Witch in L'burg. Drive over to Cincy Friday and get some camping supplies at Bass Pro Shop, then pick up pavers and castle block at Lowe's and Ditch Witch in L'burg. Dig the last ditch I need at the building site, plant the pipe in the ground, return the digger to the rental place and be home Saturday evening.
It'll be six weeks before I'll be able to get back to the holler. Next week is Annual Conference, followed immediately by the Venturers' trip to Isle Royale. As soon as I get back, Deanne heads out for Virginia Beach to visit the Grandcub. She gets back a week later, just as I'm heading for Scout camp. Right after Scout camp comes our church Family Camp. Then I get three weeks off (I'll need 'em).
Then comes an overnight NAUMS trip to Wichita, where our Annual Meeting will take place at a UMM Gathering. I come back from that and leave the next day for Tennessee with our youth mission trip. THEN, I get three more weeks to gasp and play catch up before the fall crazies set in.
I look at my calendar, and I say, What's WRONG with me?
[Don't answer that.]