I wanted to look something up in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, but I can't find my copy. I did, however, stumble across my book of German folksongs that's been missing for some time. So, I guess I'm still even. Still, I'd like things to slow down enough so I could actually get on top of my stuff. I feel like a diner cook that's had 72 hours of straight lunch rush -- all the time.
My friend George has discovered a Scottish place in Indy that serves haggis(!). I foresee a trip to Indy in my near future. To get some new topo maps; yeah, that's it.
Meanwhile, my summer has been ordered and re-ordered multiple times. It's now time to start getting on-line to make plane, ferry, event, and camping reservations, which will fix it in final form. So far, in May, there's a trip to Virginia Beach to see the Grandcub. In June, there'll be Annual Conference followed by backpacking on Isle Royale, finishing up with Boy Scout Summer Camp. Come July, we're planning a church family camp at a retreat center and a quickie trip to Wichita for the NAUMS Annual Meeting and some UM Men schmoozing. When August begins, I'll be heading for Tennessee for the youth mission trip. Meanwhile, at home, there'll be VBS, I suppose, plus the annual Indians baseball game, and a first-ever grill-off sponsored by the Venturers.
I was going to take all of August off to frame our retirement home, but I'm nowhere near ready to do that. I'll still take some vacation time then, probably to start digging out the undercroft.
Closer to home, I've got to get my computers talking to each other so I can crank out the stuff I promised for next month's Heritage Hike. Next week, Something must be done.
Geez, I'm pooped just typing all this out.