Meanwhile, I feel like a horse kicked me, at least when I move in a direction my shoulder doesn't approve of. And I'm ready to sleep at the drop of a hat. Still need lots of rest. Thursday and Friday I've set aside for not much of anything. Just got to get through the next little bit here, and I can go back to snoozing.
Just don't expect much today
Meanwhile, I feel like a horse kicked me, at least when I move in a direction my shoulder doesn't approve of. And I'm ready to sleep at the drop of a hat. Still need lots of rest. Thursday and Friday I've set aside for not much of anything. Just got to get through the next little bit here, and I can go back to snoozing.
On being Wesleyan
In the run-up to the big Methodist breakup of 2022-present, there was a lot of talk about being “Wesleyan.” I mostly heard it from progressives, who…
One of the features of Protestantism – and evangelicalism especially – is its appeal to feelings. There is a danger here. It is very easy to assume…
Expectations of Members in the GMC: Giving
Continuing in my musing on how to set expectations for members in a Global Methodist Congregation (as now required by BODAD), we come to giving.…
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