aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Going Dutch

Venturing Crew 119 learned about Dutch oven cooking this afternoon. The Dutch oven cooking requirement for Venturing requires the cooking of a bread, an entree, and a dessert. The six youth broke up into three boy-girl teams. Team One (Connor and Makayla) tackled Apple Pie, Lasagne, and Breadsticks. Team Two (Ben and Kaila) cranked out Cornbread, Deep Dish Pizza, and Peach Cobbler. Team Three (Kaleb and Brooke) whomped up Spice Cake, Soda Bread, and Beef Stew.

Several different forms of Dutch ovens were used: Round, Square, Cast Iron, Cast Aluminum, Kettle, Skillet, Improvised. The verdict: there were some burnt spots, but overall, it was wonderful chow. Congratulations, Venturers!

Stirring the fire Stirring the fire
Venturers await the last of the Dutch oven dishes


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