Kiki at The Beach:
Today, we had a nice crowd at church, including some folks I haven't seen in a while. My heart was greatly warmed thereat. Two LJ friends, yechezkiel and joegumby showed up in worship. It was a communion Sunday, which is always good. Afterwards, we had our 2nd annual Ice Cream Social: hot dogs, home-made pies (including collinsmom
Sarah and Ashley with Peter the Bear:
LJ Friends chowing down:
After lunch, we gathered on the church lawn/hillside for games and fun. The climax of the day was the gi-normous Slip-n-Slide we made out of 100' of 4 mil plastic, dish soap, and water.
that_guy_zach hits the skids:
(At least, he's not a backsliding Methodist.)
All in all, we went from the sublime to the ridiculous. The very best kind of day.