Got my passport renewed this week. Good for another ten years. My first-ever trip out of the country was a solo trip to Tanzania in October/November, 2000. Since then, I've been to Tanzania twice again, to Canada once, and to Great Britian twice.
I met with my Covenant Group today. Phred, Curt, and I can't get together too often, but we treasure the times when we can. We had dinner at the Irish Lion and whiled away nearly three hours talking about, well, everything. Pert near, anyway.
Hearing a good bit of buzz already about our Blessing of the Hunt. I'm excited about this. I don't know what sort of turnout we'll have, but I think we're onto something right and good. Prayers for gettin' it right (in the absence of successful models) would be appreciated.
We're still praying for Deanne's job prospects. She should know by Tuesday if she will be offered the job for which she interviewed this week.
Deanne's Uncle Warren turns 90 soon, and there's gonna be a big bash down in Evansville. I have church meetings on that Sunday, so I can't go, but here's a big Happy Birthday! to him!
Speaking of birthdays, my birthday present came today. Not for my birthday coming up in about three weeks, but for last year's birthday. Deanne had ordered me a turntable that would record my old LP albums onto my hard drive, whence I could burn CDs of the music of my youth. It didn't show up for my birthday; it missed Christmas; after considerable aggravation, she got hold of the company, who thought it had been delivered long since, and -- here it is. I can't wait to transfer Waiting for the Electrician (or someone like him) onto CD!