aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

On the front lines

Four Scout leaders from Alaska were killed today in an electrical mishap at the National Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. Yesterday, a Scout leader from North Carolina at the event collapsed and died from an apparent heart attack.

The Jamboree is (temporarily) the sixth largest city in Virginia. Despite all the attendees being certified reasonably healthy and (mostly) young, things happen in that size of gathering. Though FIVE deaths by opening day is more than I've ever heard of before.

And the chaplains -- of every denomination and religion -- that minister to the Jamboree community are all over this situation, I'm sure. I've been in that situation before. I am proud of the people The UMC sent; I know others have sent their best, too.

In times of grief, of homesickness, of confusion -- and in times of joy and faith -- the chaplains are on the job. In 1993, as a Sub-Camp Chaplain, I never worked so hard and so long -- or to such great effect. In 1997, as Head UM Chaplain, in addition to leading other chaplains, I helped (in a small way) in ministering to those affected by a young man's death in a traffic accident.

Pray for the Scouts and Scouters and visitors at the Jamboree. And hold the chaplains up in prayer. After all, it might be one of your Scouts whom they are counseling or praying with this week.

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