aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Scouting around

I got up at 4:00 o'clock this morning and was on the road by 5:00. Everything went smoothly at the airport; I use the "expert traveler" lane now. I slept through the flights from Indy to Minneapolis and then on the Dallas, arriving reasonably refreshed. The big do is in downtown Dallas, however, and I was not amused by $40+ cabfare to get here.

I checked in at the National Meeting, only to learn that I had missed my first meeting this morning. I thought it was tomorrow morning (scheduling and info sharing could be better at the top level of BSA). I schmoozed a couple of people I knew, bought a book in the Scout Shop, and went back to my hotel room.

Phil, our NAUMS Treasurer, was just arriving. We spent some time gassing about stuff. He's working on a report tonight for our meeting tomorrow; meanwhile, my old buddy Lance -- a Hoosier currently working in Dallas -- is coming by to take me out for some Texas barbecue.

I think we'll see some good stuff happen tomorrow. And then, it's, "Hi ho, hi ho, it's back to home I go."

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