aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Monday, Monday

Getting some kind of start on the week. Have to get the really important stuff done quickly, since I'll be in Dallas Wednesday through Friday with the BSA National Meeting and NAUMS Annual Meeting.

Deanne takes Sassy to the vet today. The exterminator came to spray for ants this morning. Got sick people to chase down and see how they're doing.

I took Jordan (one of our Scouts) out to the boonies last night to lay out a true North-South line from the North Star. It was the last thing he and Darren had to do to get First Class; meanwhile, Darren and his mom completely forgot about it. Oh, well. You snooze, you lose. It's gonna cloud up and rain again all week (plus, I'll be gone a lot of the week).

The Good News for today is, I didn't gain any weight while lolling around, recovering from surgery. I weighed in at 230 this morning, fresh from the shower. I need to weigh no more than 233 in my stocking feet at Philmont on July 8. So, I'm hoping to lose maybe 4-5 more pounds in the next 5 weeks, just to provide me a safety cushion.

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