Deanne takes Sassy to the vet today. The exterminator came to spray for ants this morning. Got sick people to chase down and see how they're doing.
I took Jordan (one of our Scouts) out to the boonies last night to lay out a true North-South line from the North Star. It was the last thing he and Darren had to do to get First Class; meanwhile, Darren and his mom completely forgot about it. Oh, well. You snooze, you lose. It's gonna cloud up and rain again all week (plus, I'll be gone a lot of the week).
The Good News for today is, I didn't gain any weight while lolling around, recovering from surgery. I weighed in at 230 this morning, fresh from the shower. I need to weigh no more than 233 in my stocking feet at Philmont on July 8. So, I'm hoping to lose maybe 4-5 more pounds in the next 5 weeks, just to provide me a safety cushion.