aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

The Doctor is In

I was going through my shelves at the office Monday, throwing out old versions of the clergy candidacy handbook, and I came across a copy of my Ph.D. dissertation. It is entitled, An Assessment of Religious Literacy Among Selected Groups of Secondary Students. I took it down and spent a hour or so reading through it.

It holds up surprisingly well. A lot of it is written in the impenetrable style required of academic research reports. It would take a lot of coffee to get through those parts again. But the argumentation, the review of literature, the results, these were all reasonably well presented. Still fresh, too, twenty years after the fact. (Egads, has it been that long!)

All in all, I'm not ashamed to have my name on it, even though I doubt anybody will ever check it out from its place gathering dust in the ISU library.

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