aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Tired of herding cats

For several days now, I have fought the good fight, but am in danger of being outflanked. Several situations are hanging fire right now; I can't respond as I would wish because I am waiting for other people who owe me/have promised me information before proceeding to the end. I spend too much time in phone calls that don't reach the people I seek and e-mails that don't produce results. By the time I've done all I can do in that venue, there's not been much time left to do anything else. And Lord knows, there's plenty to do.

I suppose, therefore, that it's a good thing that I am supposedly free of commitments this week. I was originally going to take this whole week off, recuperating from the sinus surgery that didn't happen last week. Man, I'd hate to see what it would be like to chase these ghosts in a fully-scheduled week!

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