aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

I'll get right on it

We need a college-level course in period animation.

By which I mean, how do you explain to kids today why Daffy Duck doing Danny Kaye doing Cab Calloway is so funny? They barely know who Daffy is. Or take the Bugs Bunny vs. Gremlin gag, where the plummeting airplane stops before hitting the ground because they have only an 'A' gas ration card. Then there's one of my favorite expressions (again, from Daffy Duck), "So round, so firm, so fully packed." How many people know that's from a cigarette ad campaign from the early days of machine rolling of smokes? These sorts of cultural references are all through the classic animation of the '30s and '40s.

Come to think of it, we could do this for clergy continuing education, couldn't we? ; )

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