I went to the doctor Thursday and got some drugs for this wretchedness I've been suffering. Things are improving markedly day by day. I drove over to Newport yesterday and had dinner with
Every day you wake up in the woods is a good day. I felt wonderful this morning. Got a few chores done. "Sweetened the pot," as they say; meaning, emptied and freshened up the porta-potty, since
I've got a mouse living in my shed out yonder that I swear lives on D-con. One of my upcoming projects is to completely empty the shed and clean it out, then put everything back, de-moused.
If I'm lucky, I'll have this new 'puter ready for full, independent usage by this weekend. I'm scheduled to fly out to Colorado on Saturday, climb Wheeler Peak on Sunday, drop in at Philmont Training Center on Monday, then fly home on Tuesday.
That's all for now.