aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

A late report from the hinterland

The Hinterland -- wouldn't that make a great name for a hunting lodge somewhere?

Anyway, collinsmom and I went out to Wilderstead Sunday afternoon with Sassafras for a little R&R. It was a lovely evening. We made a fire in the firepit and cooked brats on our roasting jacks.

It was threatening rain in the morning, and I had a lot of work to do with my 22" trimmer mower. I managed to get all the trails mowed -- including across the creek -- before the rain drowned me out. So that's done.

We drove home all the way in the rain. It did me a world of good.

collinsmom also scored a practicum up here for the summer. (Yay!) Her first day was yesterday. That's going well.

I'm feeling very tired and not very up to speed; meanwhile, summer is arriving like a runaway train. Gotta get up to speed real fast.

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