aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Back home again in Indiana . . .

Many thanks to collinsmom, who continued my posts for National Poetry Month while I was away from the old 'puter.

I left Thursday morning for Virginia to see stryck and anher. We visited Colonial Williamsburg and the Mariners Museum (of which more later, in a post with pix). Happy birthday to both of them!

Thanks also to siege for taking care of Sassafras and Cuthbert while ða wif and I were running around all over several States (she, alas! was doing her practicum in Kentucky, not visiting our daughter in Virginia).

An enormous number of e-mails and other stuff awaited me on my return (Oh, be joyful). So, however, did my missing checkbook, which collinsmom found (Hallelujah).

Going to VB, I drove through Louisville, across West Virginia, and camped at Douthat S.P. in the Virginia mountains. That took 9 hours and covered 511.6 miles. The next day, I continued on to First Landing S.P., 5 hours away and 284.4 miles. Total time and distance from Hereabouts to VB, 14 hours and 796.0 miles.

On the return, I took the AA from Grayson, KY to Alexandria, and so on to Wilderstead, where I stayed last night. That consumed 14 hours (though 2 1/4 hours were spent putzing around Richmond, VA, in a NAUMS meet-and-greet, so call it 11 3/4 hours) and 672.7 miles. Today, it took 2 1/2 hours to get home, over a distance of 118.5 miles. Total time and distance (straight driving) from VB to Hereabouts, 14.25 hours and 791.2 miles.

You pays your money and you takes your choice.

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