aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Something to chew on

Well, I got my jaw jacked today. I spent two and a half hours in the Dentist's chair. He reconstructed my two back bottom molars (right side) with a resin compound. Now, we wait a month. If things hold well, we may be able to shaved them down and crown them.

If things don't hold well, or I get some decay under all that reconstruction, then we're looking at root canal work, at least. And if not that, then he'd recommend yanking them both and putting implants in -- which would cost about $6,000. The cheap option if things don't work out is just to pull the furthest back molar and be done with it.

So, we'll see. I'm not in any real pain, though my jaw obviously feels a bit stretched. I think my Dentist was more worn out from the marathon session than I was.

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