aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,


I left before daylight this morning (6:40 a.m.) for Lexington, Kentucky. Met Greg from West Virginia there for lunch. We talked church and scouting -- and especially, Philmont -- for three and a half hours. Then I drove home, passing collinsmom on US 150 on her way to Razzberry for the week. Got home at dusk -- just in time to change into my uniform, eat a bite, then go to our Troop meeting, where I gave a presentation on dressing warm and sleeping warm while winter camping.

Anyway, this whole UM Philmont Trek thing is coming together nicely. Greg and I are on the same page. I'm glad to be leading this deal with him, and I think he feels the same way. We can believe in each other. Both of us are elders of some experience; both of us have led multiple Philmont treks, been Jamboree chaplains, currently hold office in UM scouting ministry. We've been around, as they say. All this bodes well for the youth who are going to come make this pilgrimage next year.

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