aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Pooped but pleased

I got out of here around 1:30 p.m. Wednesday and headed for the holler. Made a fine pile of sawdust, saw significant progress made on paneling the upper end wall, for which I borrowed the church's 14' aluminum stepladder.

Thursday saw that job finished. I went into Cincy to run errands, including buying some more lauan to continue with the cabin; however, when I got back, my generator wouldn't start. I figured I'd probably flooded it or something, so I put it away and went to Crustview Hills to meet that_guy_zach at The Pub.

Got up this morning and tried starting the generator to finish the job up to my limit of panels, but the thing wouldn't start again. So I cleaned up all my jobs, put everything away, and headed for home.

I really enjoyed being free and busy in the woods. Everything was great. But now, I've got to see if I can find a small engines place in the morning that can get my generator going again. It's always something, you know?

If all goes well, collinsmom and I are going back out to Wilderstead Monday and staying overnight. I'll work on the paneling job, and she'll be wiring fixtures.

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