aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Your opinion matters

Continuing on now with trying to winnow my best pix down to a suitable few, we come to:

Category IV: Pets;

containing various pictures of Cuthbert and Sassafras. Let me know if any of these catch your fancy.

Click on a pic to enlarge it.

Cuthbert out on a limb Cuthbert out on a limb
Hanging around the water fountain Hanging around the water fountain
Conversations around the water fountain are so -- well, catty.
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
Or was it, "Jesus wants a sunbeam for me?" Whatever.
sock it to me sock it to me
Was that grace I heard being said? Was that grace I heard being said?
Brownie Scout Brownie Scout
Legally blonde Legally blonde
Going Places Going Places
Sassy is eager to get the show on the road.


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