aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Stirring words, indeed

Þæt Gettysburg Gemaþel of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham maþelode:

Hwæt! ær þissum dæge seofon wintra and hundeahtig, ure ealdfæderas acennodon on þissum lande niw rice, geacnod on freodome and gegiefen to þæm geþohte, þæt ealle menn beoð gelice gesceapen. Nu feohtað we micel gewinn innan urum lande, to afandianne hwæþer þæt rice oþþe ænig oðer rice swa geacnod, swa gegiefen, lange þolian mæg. Standaþ we on micelre wælstowe þære guþe. Cumene sind we to giefanne sumne dæl þære stowe to endgereste þame þe her crungon þæt þæt rice lifige. Swiðe geriht is þæt we swa don, and gemæt.

Ac on widran getacnunge, we giefan ne magon -- we bletsian ne magon -- we halgian ne magon -- þas hruse. Þa felamodigan menn, cwice and deade, þa þe her wunnon, þa hie gehalgodon ofergende feor urne unspedigan onwald to giefanne and to nimanne. Lyt mæg seo woruld oncnawan ne lange gemunan þætte man her sprecað, ac næfre sceal heo forgietan þætte hie her dydon. We sculon lifgendan us swiþor to þæm ungefyldan geweorce getreowsian, þe þa menn þe her gefuhton swa indryhtenlice oð þis gefyrþrodon. We sculon us swiþor to þæm micelan gedeorfe getreowsian, þe toforan us giet stent: þæt fram þissum gerisenlicum deadum we nimen geacnode fæst-hydignesse to þæm intingan for þæm hie hiere læst full gemet fæst-hydignesse geafon; þæt we her æþillice hycgen, þæt þissa deadra deað ne sceal unnyt wesan -- þæt þis folc, under Gode, sceal niwe acennednesse freodomes habban -- and þæt þes þeodscipe, for þæm folce, of þæm folce, and þurh þearfe þæs folces, ne sceal fram þære eorþan abreoþan.

-- Translated by the Enlisc Listserv

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