aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Picking up momentum

I've really been getting the roadblocks cleared out these days. Seems like you can't get big stuff done on Projects X, Y, and Z because there's this other little thing you know you should do first, but you haven't gotten it done, and you keep putting it off . . . So things stack up until it looks like you're going to have a train wreck. Well, I've been clearing out the to-do list, making decisions, etc.

Today, I finally did a couple of calls on parishioners I had been putting off. One in particular was a very important one that had hung fire for far too long. It was one of those deals where I finally hear (through a back channel) that so-and-so (who hasn't been in church for a long time) is hurt that I haven't called, yada yada yada. Between my resentment that people act that way and the obviously "old news" nature of the situation, combined with my inclination to avoid uncomfortable situations, I kept putting it off. Well, I finally got that one done. Check it off. Move on to the next thing.

I ordered the Highland bonnets our Crew favors for their uniform, so we can all look alike on our trip to Great Britain. stryck and I already have such things; the others will need them. Right now, I'm working on a t-shirt design. The mountain skyline from the Venturing logo, with heraldic beasts lurking about it: the Scots lion, the English leopards, the Welsh dragon. Snazzola!

I've got to get the glass grinder working for the kids cutting stained glass. They are doing very well. Enthusiastic, too. This is going to be an expensive project, but they'll be very proud of it when it's done. And their church will be proud of them, which is just as good.

Sent project proposal and money inquiries to Africa University. Hope to have basic approval and costs clarified before I go to the UK. Already have 2-4 kids clamoring to go, and several adults making interested noises. Nothing further on the horizon, at least not to that degree of complication. I'd like to do another Philmont trek in 2007, but after all I've been doing, heading up a trip to PSR is a piece of cake. I could get a crew ready for that in three months, barring physical conditioning.

The Pathfinder (newsletter of the South Indiana chapter of the National Association of UM Scouters) will be finished mid-week, and I'll get that in the mail. Got several pages composed today; just waiting on applications and flashy stuff RE the mission trips to Zimbabwe and the Philippines. Still gotta send renewal notices to lapsed members. Will go Scout banking tomorrow. Venture Crew, SI-NAUMS, and NAUMS stuff gotta be handled.

I'm leaving for Great Britain in FIVE WEEKS. Can't get derailed by secondary issues and leftover crap. What isn't done by May 15 or so ain't gonna get done till after I'm back. I've got to drive this bunch of Venturers to get ready to take off into the wild blue yonder.

Yoicks! and awaaayyy!


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