aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Easter round-up

Sleepers, awake! Christ is now risen!
Empty the tomb, risen the sun! Alleluia!

Marked with the cross, sealed by the spirit:
risen with Christ, sing out our joy! Alleluia!

Death has been slain, life is victorious,
winter is past, springtime returns! Alleluia!

So sang our trio this morning to start the Sunrise Service. It's a lovely piece written by the monks at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky.

Below are some pix from yesterday's Easter Egg Hunt and today's services. Six youth professed their faith in Christ: three baptisms and three confirmations. The choir sang a well-received cantata, and ended the main service with the Hallelujah Chorus. Good times.

collinsmom, siege, and I went out to eat at The Irish Lion after church. (Yay! nobody had to cook!) It's been spitting snow, with the temperature hovering around 32 degrees.

Click on a pic to enlarge.

Egg Hunters Egg Hunters
Good day for some sport!
Stayin' warm Stayin' warm
On your mark On your mark
Ready to start the hunt
Got one! Got one!
Neely nabs an Easter egg
2008 Confirmation Class Banner 2008 Confirmation Class Banner
"All we like sheep" -- er, lambs
Water and oil Water and oil
Ready for baptism and confirmation
The sanctuary dressed for Easter The sanctuary dressed for Easter
just before Sunrise Service
Let 'em eat cake Let 'em eat cake
2008 confirmation class 2008 confirmation class
Front: Mira; Jared; Matthew Rear: Jordan; Laurel; Braxton


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