Benedictus A pastor bear gives his blessing: gift of parishioner, Christmas 2007 |
The Day itself was very good. I was up betimes, to begin the Roast Beast preparation. While that was going on, had to finish cleaning the house. Aunt C. and Cousin B. weren't able to make it, but my sister, Claire, did. That made four of us for Christmas Dinner. We even got out the good china to serve it on.
Sassafras was all ratcheted up with excitement while the Beast was roasting. We couldn't give her any of the scraps from the outside of it, though, since I had put garlic on it (garlic and onions are very bad for dogs). But she got some of the inside meat later on.
Afterward, we played a couple games of Trivial Pursuit. The old Genus edition is pretty outdated by now. The second game was of the Warner Bros. edition. Claire won a game, and so did I. It has literally been years since I have played games like that.
Mostly tired today.
I'm taking my son back to Mole Hill, IN, tomorrow. I'd drop in on