There go my plans to clean the house. I'm exhausted already. I did get Kyle and Lauren's wedding gift today, and a couple of other, minor errands run.
In other news, a guy got busted right outside the church this afternoon as I looked on. I had just pulled in from my errands and was going to check out D's situation (our cell phones weren't working together properly, so I could just figure out that she had gone to the doctor). I heard or saw something and turned to look just as a guy came around the back of the church; he decelerated to a fast walk. He hadn't got but halfway down the length of the church when a cop car with lights flashing came screaming down the alley and cut him off. Next thing I knew, the guy was on the ground being cuffed, as another cop came up, panting, from behind the church. Soon that guy's partner drove up. Looks like a drug bust -- the alleged perp had something in his hand that looked like a vial.
Passing the seventh level of weirdness and still rising. Over and out.
UPDATE (10:15 p.m.) Home at last. The verdict:
Heart seems OK -- check with cardio people, take a stress test.
Check with rheumatologist about what the RA may be doing to cause this.
Nodule in lung is 7 mm and probably nothing to worry about, but follow up to make sure it doesn't change over time.
So -- eight hours of hospital today. And neither of us got much else done, nor do we now have the energy for it. *whimper*