aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Tired but happy

Just back from an overnight trip to Wilderstead. I am making real progress on paneling the cabin. I hope to have the downstairs finished by my birthday bash October 5th. Progress is agonizingly slow at times. Every freaking piece of paneling has to be custom cut.

The holler was beautiful last night. The full moon came streaming through the skylights. The night air was nippy. Today, I noticed that the leaves of the sycamores (and a few other trees) are starting to turn yellow. Fall is just around the corner. It's great camping weather.

Had supper with that_guy_zach last night. Shared pix from my eastern coastal sojourn. We talked about this and that.

collinsmom has foot surgery tomorrow, so I'll be busy looking after her the rest of the week. In addition, there's other work to be done, so I'll have to get busy. No rest for the weary.

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