aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Mission accomplished

Happy Hollow Happy Hollow
Just down the hill from Henderson Settlement, Frakes, KY

Our youth group traveled to White Oak, Tennessee for a weeklong mission trip. We installed vinyl skirting around two houses and finished siding the gable ends left by a previous work team that ran out of time to finish. In addition, we played plenty of cards and volleyball, participated in daily devotions, learned about Appalachian culture, and visited Cumberland Gap.

On the last day of work, with only one piece of soffit left to install, one of our adults injured herself dismounting a ladder to get away from some bees. She suffered a hairline fracture of her tibia, just below the knee. The good news is that she will not require surgery to repair it.

Henderson Settlement is a United Methodist mission agency that serves several counties in Kentucky and Tennessee. The main campus is at Frakes, KY; we were over the line at the White Oak, TN, Center. In addition to summer work teams doing home repair, Henderson Settlement has a wide variety of programs that impact everyone in their mission field.

For more pics, please see:

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