aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,


Snagged me a copy today of The Children of Hurin, JRR Tolkien's posthumous tale edited by his son, Christopher. Looking forward to that. Also got a replacement copy of King Leopold's Ghost, which seems unaccountably to have disappeared from my library.

Made reservations for a quickie backpacking trip to Cumberland Gap in July. After the Yellowstone trip fell through, I costed out a nine-day trip to Isle Royale, but that was $350, and I figured that might be a bit much. I figure we can do a great beginner's backpacking trek to the Gap over six days for $125. Hope to get some takers.

collinsmom said I should put together my Scouting Ministry resume after this latest award (got the Council Venturing Leadership Award Sunday). So I sat down and put down the highlights, but I'm too embarrassed to post it here or anywhere. It would look like bragging.

Today is the last official day of my spring vacation. Tomorrow, it's back to the salt mines. And I don't know what I'm preaching on Sunday.

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