aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Ya never know, do ya

I was in the Boy Scout Council office today, asking my District Executive about a strange situation (which could use some prayer, BTW). As I was leaving, a sweet old lady who works there asked, "Are you on the Executive Board?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, could you sign these checks, please?"

I was flummoxed. My eyebrows must have just about knocked my hat off. But it turns out that the Scout Executive signed one line on the checks just before he left for a conference, and apparently the Treasurer wasn't available today. Council by-laws apparently say any two Board members can sign checks, so . . . I co-signed a stack of checks. "I hope these don't bounce," I said as I gave them back to the staff, whereupon one of the secretaries said that now that I live closer, I might get called upon to do things like that more often.


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