aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Another Day in Paradise

It's Monday morning here in Kigoma, and the week is getting underway. Amber and Nikki are sorting medical supplies this morning. The computer school is opening its new term. Mwenge (all-around indispensible factotum) finished handing out assignments and went off to confer with Lowell about a church matter. The weather is beyond gorgeous.

collinsmom is not feeling well this morning. Jet lag, dehydration, etc. has her feeling nauseous. So she's sacking in this morning. Mama Claudia is taking the girls into town this morning to pick out fabric for some spiffy new clothes. The tailor will drop by this evening to measure them and start work on their outfits.

Several of us are going to the Destitute Camp this afternoon with Pastor Rudo and, I believe, a local doctor. The Destitute Camp is where the poorest of the refugees in the area stay, and Joy in the Harvest is one of the few regular supporters of their situation.

I preached in the Gungu church yesterday. It went well. There's nothing like an African choir, too. I'm on the hook to lead something at the Wednesday evening missionaries' fellowship. This is a gathering for all the local missionary families, of all different denominations. Ought to be a challenge.

Amber and Nikki attended the local youth group yesterday afternoon. I think they gave testimonies or something. "Youth" here means anyone from about age 8 to 38 (if still unmarried). And, of course, all the little kids went straight for the girls, who promptly fell in love with all of them.

Tomorrow evening, several folks will go fishing on the lake for the big Nile Perch (yum!). Daniel (Kim's fiance) is an MK (missionary's kid), so he asked Lowell what Kim's bride-price was when he went to confer on getting engaged. Lowell, ever the eager fisherman, replied, Three Nile Perch. Daniel swallowed hard at that (these things are rare and hard to catch), but has so far managed to snag two of them. He's trying hard to get that third before the wedding next month. Prayers would be appreciated, I'm sure.

Lowell and Claudia have two cats -- Wilma and Wilmore -- who look very African, what with their sharp faces. One could imagine them on an Egyptian tomb relief.

Our luggage arrived safe last night. O frabjous day!

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