aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Confirmation Banners

that_guy_zach and I went out to the church this afternoon to set up for Easter Sunday. We are receiving this year's confirmation class Sunday. Three will be baptized on profession of faith, and one confirmed on profession of faith.

Each year, I have the class design and make a banner. On the day the class is received, we hang that banner up front. All around the sanctuary, we hang the previous classes' banners. This year is my eighth year/class at this church.

1999 Confirmation Class Banner

2000 Confirmation Class Banner

2001 Confirmation Class Banner

2002 Confirmation Class Banner

2003 Confirmation Class Banner

2004 Confirmation Class Banner

2005 Confirmation Class Banner

2006 Confirmation Class Banner

Click on any banner pic to enlarge.

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