As it stands now, a mere three of us will wander off to Tanzania this summer. The personal challenge is, this is awful damn expensive! But the personal rewards include: eight days putting around Kigoma and talking church politics with my missionary friend;
Last time, everything lined up perfectly (and reasonably inexpensively) to waft us to the Back of Beyond and back with the greatest efficiency. This time around, we got layovers. We land in London, outbound, and have to kill an afternoon. But we land in London, homeward bound, and have to kill an evening and a whole night.
It has been suggested on the way back, that rather than finding a place to sleep (and pay for), we just take the tube down to the Thames, eat a great pub meal, and mess about until two a.m. or so. The plane takes off around 8 in the morning, and the flight home is the loooongest day of your existence, so we could just sleep instead of suffer.
Our last trip was called The Trip of the Millennium. I think we should call this one, The Backside of Glory. Kinda catchy, huh?