aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

One mo' thing

We had 25 or 26 for vespers this evening. And the cast has been changing. People are making an effort. And the liturgies and music have been appreciated. We are nothing if not eclectic. The introit was El Shaddai, the Canticle was Martin Luther's Isaiah in a vision did of old, the offertory hymn was Whispering Hope, and the Vesper Hymn was Now on Land and Sea Descending.

Kim S. thought that "Jubilate, jubilate" sounded like something you'd order from Starbucks. I thought it'd have some bourbon in it -- isn't Old Jubal or something a brand of whiskey?

Jennifer H. brought her two little pre-school boys, and it was really neat to serve them communion. She was embarrassed that they wanted to dance to all the music, and Harry loves to say "Amen" very loudly (but always at the appropriate time). Little charismatic boys, she called them, but I say it's good that somebody out there gets off on the worship (though of course, the good attendance would tell you that, but you know what I mean).

Okay, I think that's all.

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