So, we had Frosted Flakes, Sugar Corn Pops, Sugar Smacks, Sugar Crisp. New cereals were being developed all the time, with cute, cartoony characters like Cap'n Crunch, Quisp, Count Chocula. These cereals may not have trumpeted "SUGAR!" in their names, but all of them were loaded with it. And you know what we little Boomers did with those cereals? That's right, we took a spoon and started dumping more granulated sugar on top of it. Often, not just one spoonful, and every spoonful was heaped up as high as we could get it. When we got to the bottom of the bowl, there would be this thick sludge of sugar in the leftover milk. And more than a few of us then drank that off to finish breakfast.
It's a wonder any of us are alive today.