aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

An end to an auld sang

So, Philmont has finally pulled the plug. The New Mexico health authorities have rejected their proposed mitigation plan, and the rest of the summer programs at PSR have been canceled. I have notified my crew.

I’m disappointed, but also (in truth) somewhat relieved. This has been a difficult trip to get off the ground. We were finally gettin’ er done, but we still had one eye out for what might happen off in the Land of Enchantment.

Still, I’m proud that we were ready to go, despite all difficulties. We were PREPARED. And I did not disappoint these kids. I fought the ship for as long as it remained afloat and I had a gun I could fire. More than this, flesh and blood cannot do.

This obviously frees up my summer tremendously. But I must say, it’s getting hard to read my calendar, with all the things that have been scratched off, written in somewhere else, scratched off again, written in again, etc.

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