aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Quote of the Day from GKC

In Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton writes,
The only objection to Natural Religion is that somehow it always becomes unnatural. a man loves Nature in the morning for her innocence and amiability, and at nightfall, if he is loving her still, it is for her darkness and her cruelty. . . . The mere pursuit of health always leads to something unhealthy. Physical nature must not be made the direct object of obedience; it must be enjoyed, not worshipped. Stars and mountains must not be taken seriously. If they are, we end where the pagan nature worship ended. Because the earth is kind, we can imitate all her cruelties. Because sexuality is sane, we can all go mad about sexuality. Mere optimism had reached its insane and appropriate termination. The theory that everything was good had become an orgy of everything that was bad.
This could have been written this year. It certainly addresses the craziness of 21st Western society. But it was written in 1908 -- over a hundred years ago! The folks who think they have something NEW AND IMPROVED™ to offer are in fact at the end of a long cycle of decadence. All their ideas are shopworn and stale. Their promise of liberation ends in chains.

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