A few years ago, Our Happy Crew wanted a Latin motto for their Philmont t-shirts. I promptly generated a few possibilities for them. The first two after the Unit Name I got from other sources, but the rest are original to me:
Grex Audens CXIX
“Venturing Crew 119”
Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
“Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.”
Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.
“If you can read this, you have way too much education.”
Ad Albuquerquensam sinistrorsum ire sciebam.
“I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque.”
Ubicumque antea nemo exii, audacter exire
“To boldly go where no man has one before”
Ego opto ad Philippimontum redire.
“I want to to go back to Philmont.”
perhaps better chanted as,
Ego! Opto redire! Ad Philippimontum!
“I! Wanna go back! To Philmont!”
Amator latius femina omnigena optatus.
“All women want a Latin lover.”
Ave, Caesar