Deanne making Bread and Butter Pudding
Kara starting in on No-Bake Cookies
James kibitzing
Caput apri defero, / Reddens laudes Domino
Translation: Here I come with a pig's head, praising God
"That's cool," said Zaphod. "We'll meet the meat."
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, by Douglas Adams
Whisked away in a trice
Jeffrey and Brian, wishing for a trice to help
Let me taste your ware
Anna making Tourtiere
This spud's for you
Paula and Deanne cut potatoes
There were Three Jolly Fishermen
R.J., T.C., and Justin get their fry on
Zeke's our Official Taster
They also serve who only stand and wait
Daniel takes his place in the serving line
H.M. forces approve the grub
Re-enactors at Maumee Scout Reservation