aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,


I love mountains. Here are some mountains I've summitted. Some are much more impressive than others, but all were significant to me.

Baldy Mountain, Philmont Scout Ranch (highest peak at Philmont)
Ben Nevis, Scottish Highlands (highest peak in U.K.)
Chimney Tops, Great Smokey Mountains N.P.
Clingman's Dome, Great Smokey Mountains N.P.
Comanche Peak, Philmont Scout Ranch
Hart Peak, Philmont Scout Ranch
Mt. Franklin, Isle Royale N.P.
Mt. Marcy, Adirondacks, New York (highest peak in N.Y.)
Mt. Phillips, Philmont Scout Ranch
Scafell Pike, Lake District, England (highest peak in England)
Tooth of Time, Philmont Scout Ranch
Wheeler Peak, New Mexico (highest peak in N.M.)
White Cliffs, Cumberland Gap N.H.P.
Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon), Wales (highest peak in Wales)

In addition, I've gone hiking and backpacking in the following mountain ranges, though we made no summits.

Udzungwa Mountains N.P., Tanzania
Yellowstone N.P.

Looking forward to camping and hiking in the Swiss Alps next month!

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