aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Doin' the Lord's work

I was up betimes this morning. Made it out to the camporee at Rogers Quarry just after 7:00 a.m. There was a beautiful balsamic moon when I left the house, and by the time I was there, its light had vanished in the light of the rising sun. I walked about, met our Scouts cleaning up their campsite.

Chapel was at 8:00 a.m. Since it was a Geology Merit Badge weekend at the quarry, and the Scouts had toured the limestone galleries underground and all, I talked about Karst topography. The Holy Land is all limestone, too, which leads to caves and other features -- such as Artesian wells. The spring bubbling up from the ground by itself is the picture Jesus gives us when he talks about "living water" springing up within us. So I preached to them about Jesus and the woman at the well at Sychar.

Then it was back to the old home parish. This Sunday After Easter, I did one of my semi-regular musical sermons. I taught them how to do plainsong for starters, and we chanted Psalm 95. Then I sat down at the piano and cranked out a couple of modern things. Ended up with my guitar, singing "On the Wings of a Dove," which I can still hear Ed Mellett singing at Pleasantville forty years ago.

After lunch and a nap, I went over to Dick Carl's, and we started sawing up some oak for the stained glass window frames. Finally, we were both fatigued, and he was afraid I'd get careless. I realized I couldn't push any more, too. So we called it a day. I need to get another small piece of oak to finish the fershlugginer apsidal window frame. Anyway, it's progress.

Just another day in the vineyard.

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