aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,


Well, our Thanksgiving feed was simple but filling. To begin with, I made my Christmas Hash with potatoes, apples, and fennel. I also realized that I should have cut the recipe in half. This is a 16" cast iron skillet full of hash. I created the recipe for a crowd, and there were only three of us. Hmmm . . .

This ought to settle your hash

This ought to settle your hash
Lots of leftovers

I also made Chicken and Dumplings for the first time, and did all kinds of things wrong. I mean, it turned out okay, but it was definitely a learning process. I roasted the chicken instead of stewing it, for instance, which is definitely an extra step. This is also the first time I've ever made dumplings (pillow-style, not noodle-style). They're basically a pate a choux kind of thing. Gnocchi and spaetzle are in the same family. I followed Alton Brown's recipe and made the hole in piping bag quarter-sized; I think I should've made it dime-sized. Trying to figure out how to translate this to 500 servings for the Winter Rendezvous.

Dumplings by Mae West

Dumplings by Mae West
And they want this over mashed potatoes at the Rendezvous . . . weird.

Thank goodness that the Pumpkin Pie was already made. This came from the batch made by our Venturers last weekend. Glad to know that it came out magnificent as always. The filling was light and delicious, and the crust -- which Deanne had been worried about -- flaky and soft. When my friend Beth Ann posted about this pie, she made up the Twitter hashtag #noordinarypie.

A perfect pumpkin pie

A perfect pumpkin pie
Come, ye thankful people, come

Here's hoping your feast was delicious and your table surrounded by love.

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