aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Clearing out the backlog

Took my truck in to get the brakes worked on this morning. That left me afoot for the rest of the day. So I did calls on some people in town who were close enough to walk to see. Then, after lunch, I got down to clearing out some old papers in my study -- several big batches of them, thrown in heaps upon some shelves. Old bank statements to be filed for Cub Pack, Venturing Crew, Pathfinder. Old receipts to be filed (along with a couple of checks now too old to cash). Lots of stuff related to some projects that got de-railed.

Things started to pile up last summer, and by last fall I was seriously adrift. What happened to cause me to fall so far behind? Well, life happened.

Deanne wrecked her car July 1 of last year. She was still recovering from her injuries and we still only had one vehicle when Anna and the grandcubs moved in with us around Labor Day. I injured my feet pouring concrete in October. The pressure of getting Charge Conference and then Christmas done on top of everything else meant that a whole lotta stuff just got dumped so I could keep up with the new stuff coming at me after the first of the year.

So, now I've worked my way to the bottom of the stack. Alles in Ordnung ist. What's left is a handful of papers to be filed or followed up on. By the time this summer gets here, I may actually be caught up on everything that's happened since last summer. I sure hope so.

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