aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

Back when I was in my last year of seminary (some time late in the Cretaceous, I think), I was in a student production of Arthur Miller's Incident at Vichy. I played a 60-year-old Austrian count during WW 2, who was troubled by his dreams of Adolf Hitler. I was 24.

For the performance, I had to have my hair and mustache frosted in order to look the part. Deanne didn't want to come see the play, because she didn't want to see me looking so old. I told her she should come anyway, since by the time I was actually 60, I wouldn't have any hair left. So I wouldn't look anything like Count Whatsisname; it was all fantasy.

Well, now I am older than the Count, and my hair is missing -- at least, much of it -- and for the first time in my life, I have grown a beard. It's a salt-and-pepper kind of thing, more salt than pepper. I'm thinking that before I shave it off I ought to frost the whole thing, just for grins. It would be quite a look.

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