Daniel is an old hand at this sort of thing, his Daddy having taken him with him to the all-male environment of a barber shop before. He knows the drill, and was patient and cooperative. James was an altogether different story. He wouldn't sit by himself, he wouldn't wear a cape, he started out in Grandbear's lap, then moved to Mommy's. There was hair everywhere by the time we were done, but Julie was not to be denied.
Ready when you are
Daniel was at his most grown-up
Lookin' sharp
Finely chiseled features emerge from beneath the mop
Is outrage!
Brothers can be very different
Help me.
Almost done
After their haircuts, Deanne joined us and we adjourned to the Cloverleaf for lunch. Daniel had had a low fever when he got up this morning, and he started to feel cold in the restaurant. He had no appetite. Once we got him home, he crashed on the couch. James may go down for a nap soon (we hope). But at least they're groomed and ready for spring.