Dr. Lloyd De War, Troop Committee Chair, presented the Troop Charter. Troop 119 is 47 years old. Pack 129 is 48 years old. Crew 119 is 5 years old. Then there are the Girl Scouts and their units that we host. There were many guests who ordinarily attend other churches, but there were also some new families, too. The Scouts and I performed "We Beseech Thee" from Godspell, as the Choir took the day off.
After worship, the Scouts did goodies for the fellowship time. There were S'mores cooked over an open fire (my high pressure propane one-burner). Kara and Julie did Toad in the Hole and Tropical Fruit Cobbler. We ran out of coffee, to my utter bogglement.
I didn't think I'd have any youth stay for Sunday School, but I had three girls get down to business on the stained glass window. Emma, Abby, and Hannah made great progress on it, too.
I wish every Sunday were as packed and exciting as this one. Thank you, Lord, for your goodness.

Ushering in the New Day
Scouts of Troop 119 doing ushering and greeting

Children's Lesson
This thrills my heart

We Beseech Thee
Scout Chorus

All's right with the world

Caution! Girls at Work!
Solder and Gomorrah