aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Good news, everybody!

My son-in-law Brian, who lost his job after only a month in Indiana, has found some work locally. I don't know if it's a permanent fix, but it's WORK, and the pay is okay. Thank you to everyone who's been praying for him and Anna. The job came through someone at the church they started attending (yay! for that, too).

Now, if their house in Virginia Beach will just sell, please God . . .

Meanwhile, the guest kitties are settling in somewhat. Deanne opened the door for them to roam at will this morning. They rushed out, checked out some stuff -- and went back in. She closed the door on them. At this point, it's more to keep Hera out of their room than keep them in it. Deanne's sleeping with them at night, and I go gruntle them every afternoon, so they're kind of getting used to only having one room. It's got a sunny window, food and water and litter -- and they're not spraying in it! The drugs probably help, too.

Anyway, all this is just a holding action until Anna and Brian can sell their house and find a place of their own. God is good.

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