aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

The week ahead

Gonna be another busy one. Tomorrow after church, we set up for T.C.'s Eagle Court of Honor. After that, I think I'll disappear to Wilderstead, since I need to get over there and do a couple of things and I've not been able to get over there this week. I can be back Monday before the evening Trustees meeting. Tuesday, then, I'll have to catch up on Hospital and Nursing Home calls. The Scout Troop has their Court of Honor at Karst Farm Park that evening.

Wednesday and Thursday bring office work, more hospital or home calls, and a Wednesday evening Pack Committee meeting. On one of these days, I need to make my homemade barbecue sauce. Certainly around Thursday or Friday, Jerry and I have to smoke the pork for Sunday's picnic. I went shopping today and found whole pork loins for $1.87/lb! Nabbed a bunch of 'em. Then Friday, I'll have to buy what I need for Saturday's lunch at the Block Party.

And then comes the weekend. Saturday from 10-2 is the Crew's Back-to-School Block Party. I just hired a clown to do face-painting and make balloon animals. I need to confirm the rental of the bouncy house and dunk tank. Gotta get things in the local paper. Et cetera. Write my sermon. And then comes SUNDAY, Sunday, SUNDAY and worship followed immediately by the Church Picnic at Flatwoods.

Deanne is subbing for the pastor at Simpson Chapel tomorrow and next Sunday, and she's in charge of the picnic, so I'm going to have to stand ready to back her up. Busy busy busy. But a LOT of fun!

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