aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Glorious Day

I had to go to the other side of Cincinnati for a wedding rehearsal Thursday afternoon, then back Saturday for the wedding, so I decided to stay two nights at Wilderstead. That meant I had all day Friday to work on my building site.

I moved about one and a quarter cubic yards of hillside, which finished backfilling and leveling the terrace I will eventually build on; however, I still have about half the hillside yet to carve down, plus excavating the footers. With that in mind, I went in town and bought a bunch of block, along with the capstones I use for the foundation. And with that, I began the lower retaining wall. I will eventually have a sloping, terraced roadway leading from the drive up the holler, going past the front of the house.

I quit work about 4:30 p.m., and took a few pictures of the holler. It was a beautiful day; the air was fresh and moist with the feeling of rain coming on.

Late afternoon, first day of fall

Late afternoon, first day of Fall.



Start of the lower retaining wall

Start of the lower retaining wall.

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