aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Living history

We went shopping yesterday, then out to a St. Patrick's Day dinner at Thalia UMC. Today, we started out with worship at Thalia UMC. We had communion, which I appreciated very much. Then it was across the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel for brunch, followed by touring Yorktown.

The Yorktown Visitors Center has a colonial farm and a Continental Army encampment. Daniel was fascinated by the chickens and turkeys. We adults were more interested in living quarters and musketry. I took a picture of the rope bed in the cabin at the farm, because it had a bed key on it. Bed keys were used to tighten the ropes. Sagging ropes made an uncomfortable night's sleep, hence the positive expression, "Sleep tight!"

We then proceeded to the Yorktown Battlefield to view earthworks and such. Daniel slept on the way home. We grabbed some food from Subway, and are now pretty much "home." Tuckered out, we are. Tomorrow will be a slow day. Gotta rest up before flying home.

Warp Factor Two, Mr. Sulu Warp Factor Two, Mr. Sulu Going shopping
Yorktown Farm Yorktown Farm In the kitchen
Sleep tight Sleep tight Yorktown farm -- bed key
Brian and Daniel Brian and Daniel Yorktown fountain
Yorktown Victory Memorial Yorktown Victory Memorial With Anna, Brian, and Daniel standing in front for scale


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