aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Busy, busy

I was up betimes this morning and over at the church to prepare the Men's breakfast. I had some good Scout help, and we served up a big honkin' breakfast of sausage balls, pecan-caramel rolls, and scrambled eggs.

Then it was off to Greencastle with other congregational leaders for a four-hour workshop that is part of the Small Church Initiative of our Annual Conference. It was well done and much worth it, especially for the chance for all us busy congregational leaders to just chew the fat over stuff.

Then it was back to the church. The Venturers arrived and we launched into preparing the Wapehani District Dinner. I wasn't much impressed with the beef and chicken we made, but on the whole, the food was okay. One of the District Award of Merit recipients was an old friend from my youth. Tony Mitchell was on camp staff with me in 1971 at Camp Wapehani. We were in the Heyoka Indian Dancers, too, our OA lodge dance team.

Now, I've got to finish up my sermon with what energy I've got left. Sunday's comin'.

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