aefenglommung (aefenglommung) wrote,

Good news, everybody!

I continue to shed weight rapidly. Since I have no time or energy for exercising, I presume that's due to the low-fat diet I'm eating for my cranky gall bladder. I don't expect the rate of loss to continue, but if I lose only four or five pounds per month over the next three or four months, I'll reach my goal.

My bronchitis is much improved and I'm horking up a lot less junk. Whether that's due mostly to the antibiotics I'm taking for the gall bladder infection, or the stuff the allergist prescribed, or just the return of spring, I don't know. But I'm glad for it.

And finally, today is Deanne's birthday, so she catches up with me again. I'm not saying we're older than dirt, but I remember when dirt was being touted as "new and improved." A week from tomorrow will be the 39th anniversary of my asking her to marry me. She was astonished. We had dated for just two weeks. We were married nine months later, on New Year's Eve.

Deanne is very smart, very capable, very wise. And, of course, very beautiful. I don't know how I could do all that I do without her.
Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!"

-- Robert Browning, "Rabbi Ben Ezra"

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